

Thursday, April 30, 2009


So, Jerry calls me this morning at home and asks me if he left his wallet. I look and find that he has indeed left it in our room. I am reluctant to ask if he wants me to bring it to him because I know that I have a meeting in St. Charles today that I am supposed to leave for at 8:30 am and it is currently 7:15 am. He does indeed need the wallet, of course, and is taking a special class so he is over at the main campus. This puts another crimp in my plans because that is a 15min trip rather than the normal 5 min. it would have been had he just reported to his own office today. So, I agree to take the wallet to his car and this now means that I must leave the house within the next 15 minutes if I am going to be back in time to take the older two to school because it is pouring rain outside. I quickly dress and gather them in the kitchen to explain that Jerry has forgotten his wallet and I am going to take it to him while they continue to get dressed, eat breakfast and make their lunches, ON THEIR OWN. While I am explaining this I am putting lipstick on at the kitchen counter. When I am done speaking Eli says, "Mom, I don't think this is really a good time for lipstick." WHAT!@#$%^&* He is completely serious. I look and him and tell him " Eli, I am going out looking my best." He laughs. Seriously, it's always a good time for lipstick, right girls?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Lesson for Little Men

So, I'm in the kitchen this morning while the kids are getting ready for school. I'm wearing a white maternity turtle neck, one of those super flattering ones that bell at the bottom. Eli comes in and says, "Mom, why are you wearing lots of big clothes lately."

My eyes I'm sure darted to Jerry, before I answer that my stomach is growing because of the baby and my "normal" clothes don't fit anymore.

Jerry quickly pulls both boys aside and proceeds to give his little men a lesson in how to talk to women. It went something like this...

Jerry: " Boys, you never, ever say that a woman looks fat or is getting bigger."
Eli: (Defensively) "Dad, I didn't say that Mom is fat."
Jerry: "Yes I know, but when you say her clothes is getting bigger, that's like the same thing to her."
Eli: "Oh."
Jerry: " So boys what do we never say to a woman?"
Jacob: "You look fat."
Eli: "Your clothes look bigger."
Jerry: "That's right. And never let them have your wallet, they'll take your money."

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Changing Names

So, Jacob and I are listening to Rockstar, by Nickelback the other day and he says the following:

Jacob: I like this song.
Me: Me too.
Jacob: Is it a Christian song?
Me: No.
Jacob: I like this song and Christian songs.
Me: Me too.
Jacob: I like the part when he says he's going to cut his hair and change his name.
Me: Really?
Jacob: Yeah, I wish I could change my name to a really COOL name.
Me: Really? Well if you could change your name to a really cool name, what name would you pick?

Jacob: ............................................................................ Joey.

Seriously, I really wanted to laugh out loud on that one. I guess we should have named him after Jerry's Dad. Who knew?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Kids say the Funniest Things

I have been on bedrest for the past week and a half. Things were a little rocky with the baby but things seem to be be going well right now. Jerry has been super dad during that time and friends and family have really helped out.

I wanted to post a couple of funny things the kids have done during that time. Jerry took Jacob to "Church School" on Sunday. Apparently they covered God's Rules. Here is the conversation as it was relayed to me.

Teacher: Does anyone know about God's Rules?
Jacob: I do.
Teacher: How many are there?
Jacob: 10
Teacher: What are they called?
Jacob: Commandments. I think I don't need to come to this school anymore. I already know all the answers.

I could not stop laughing when I heard this one. The funniest part is that he know the answers because Eli likes to listen to Bible CD's at bedtime. They alternate between music and the bible CD's nightly. Every night they listen to Eli's bible CD's Jacob throws a fit. Seriously, I could not stop laughing.

Last night Eli was watching Family Feud with me. It's not his first time watching it, I rather enjoy game shows. Anyway, they were introducing the families on each side of the stage and Eli says, "Oh, that's why they call it family feud. I never got that before." I love that kid.

Lastly, school is putting on a production of "The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe." I totally encouraged Bella to try out. She is afraid of trying anything new so this was a challenge. I pushed for a smaller role so she could just see what it was like but not have a lot to do. Well, try outs were Monday and Bella has officially been cast as an elf with 11 lines. I am really proud of her and she is really excited. I hope it all goes well and maybe this will encourage her to continue trying new things.

Well, that's it for now. Spring Break starts tomorrow, so hopefully we will have lots to talk about.

Friday, March 6, 2009

The Bell Has Been Rung

Well, the secret is out. The Bliujus' are expecting baby #4 in October. We finally told the kids on Wed. and they are really excited. I'm sure the whole school knows by now and most of the family does too. We (really I) was reluctant to share since we miscarried in Aug. but things seem to be going really well so far.
It's quite a learning experience for Jacob. He has a lot of questions. Mostly is Oct. tomorrow? and How does the baby eat? When you eat salad does the baby eat salad too? It's going to be a really interesting and educational nine months for him.
Jacob is convinced that my tummy is big already. Oh, the joy of the 5 year old. I'll keep you updated on the interesting conversations as they occur.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Where does the time go?

I can't believe that so much time has passed since I last wrote. It has been really cold here. I'm talking -20 with the windshield. Yikes! Needless to say we have been shut up in the house trying to stay warm. We are reading this really great book that a friend got us for Christmas. It's called The Mysterious Benedict Society. We enjoyed it so much, and when I say we I mean the whole family. Even Jacob is sitting for hours some night listening to the story. We are currently on the sequel, The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Perilous Journey. I love that they want to read it together every night.

Speaking of reading, Jacob is starting to read. There is something so wonderful about the first time your child tries reading and is successful. I am soooooooooooo proud of him. He is also very excited about it. I love to see that smile of pride on his face when he sounds out that word and gets it correct.

Bella and Eli are both doing well too. Eli has started a new season of basketball. While he is not the strongest of players, he really enjoys playing. It's so rare to see a kid like him. I'm not sure if I can explain it well, but he plays more for the exercise and fun of the game than winning. Unusual I know but that is my Eli.

I really need to get better at posting as things happen because as time goes by I get forgetful. I know we've done tons but nothing that stands out right now. I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Fitness Guru

So it's about 1:30 and Jacob is exercising on the Wii fit that Grandma and Grandpa bought us for Christmas. He really enjoys the running exercises. (What???) Anyway, he is in the middle of doing lunges when I glance over to see that he is completely doing this exercise wrong. So I walk over to try to show him that he should not be completely down on the floor on both knees. We all know how a correct lunge goes, right? Anyway, he says I am wrong and that he is doing it right. In the meantime, the exercise is over and the Wii is rating him, as I am trying to explain proper form. He says "MOM!" gently turns my face toward the TV screen and it says "Well Done Score 93 Calorie Incinerator" I guess I don't know as much as I think I do!